International Day of Peace.. Peace belongs to all the Days of the Year!

In the International Peace Day Peace belongs to all the Days of the Year

Read Time: 6 minutes My grandmother once told me of a sheep herder who lived contently lived in joy in a far-away beautiful village, one that resembled paradise. Until, one day, hardship hit him strong, he reached the point of feeling like it was going to end, that living in this most beloved place of his has become impossible. […]

Mediation: Selected Tools for a Successful Mediation

Selected Tools for a Successful Mediation

Read Time: 4 minutes Conflict is a part of our daily struggle as humans, it is spread out in all aspects of life: in our institutions, families, universities, etc., on both the individual and group levels. The certainty and multidimensionality of conflict do not opt out the fact that studying and dealing with conflict is both crucial and a […]